Ok, i needed a little place to rant. sooo… here i am :love:
Kirupa is an EXCELLENT place to grow your knowledge of flash and learn ways to do things you’ve done the ‘difficult’ way previously… BUT… I get very frustrated when people come on the forum who know absolutely NOTHING and show no desire to learn, only to have a perfectly working .fla handed to them and then fixed by kirupians accordingly cause they dont even try to learn the code and how it works.
“I need a sliding menu that opens random pages and these pages each…”
“Here’s my fla”
“How do i open the file”
I think we should restrict handing out fla’s to ppl unless they show they have in interest in doing some sort of flash background reading or at least attempt to increase their knowledge and not just get it handed to them all the time… sorry if i sound bitter
i just see so much of it and it gets frustrating to see all these crazy kirupians handing out their hard work to ppl who wont even f9 (if they knew what f9 did) to understand the code to manipulate it for their own reasons…
~ Lacuna :love: