Nice effect...I think

Hello all,
This is my first post here, I’ll get right to the point and if you care you can continue to read my introduction afterwards. I found this site and really like the peeling effect the tree and leaf do, if you click on “about” or “creative knowledge”. Do you think this was done with a 3d rendering program or what?

ok, about me.

Currently a college student majoring in Visual Communication Technology in Ohio. About a year of flash experience, still pretty horrible with action script. I also use pretty much all of the cs3 apps, and others such a vue 6, and 3ds max. Also trying to learn blender 3d because of all the cool fluid simulations you can do with it. So basically I’m married to my computers, 1 macbook, 1 dell laptop, 1 dell desktop and a new g5 on the way (so excited). I’ll post my portfolio here soon in the critique section so you guys can rip it apart for me…:crazy:. Anyway, I hope one day I’ll be able to contribute and answer questions more than I’ll be asking in the next few years. Glad to be here and looking forward to all the great resources this site has to offer!