Nice pixel style in a company page

I just found a multimedia company in the next bigger city. The seem to have a young team and all. Anyways, so they have a great page and to show their building they made a pixel style plan of their building. Real cool, check it:

That is pretty cool :cap:

Woah… Nicely done!.. I wish I could do pixel art… Just don’t have the time I guess? :slight_smile:

thats pretty sweet. I like how they included all the hot secretaries

would be even cooler if the whole thing was done in flash and the secretaries would be walkin around

i can do pixle but i am too impatiant and lazy :frowning:

nice work though :thumb:
much better then i could do ofcoz.

Wow that’s cool, I could do that if I didn’t have 50 reports to right. :thumbs:

I like how they put in the hot secretaries too Digigamer. :smiley:
