///nintendo smilies///

who want to build a massive army of nintendo smilies with me?
this was my original -> :m:
some other talented member did this ->:link: (not sure who, but its great!)

lets make loads…

mariofan :m:

you tricked me, I thought I was going to come in here and find a bunch of great ones that you had done :slight_smile:

Umm… Hmm… Not really… hehe… :slight_smile:

The only nintendo character I’d want is toadstool.

playamarz :player:

lol sure!
btw - i got my gameboy sp! its like my powerbook had a baby!!! got zelda link to the past with it!


Ohh… btw… I’m not impressed by the new Zelda… I played it… After getting use to the gamecube controller … again… (figured I wouldn’t have to)… And then playing it… I wasn’t impressed… The graphics looked nintendo 64ish!.. Albeit… it was kind-a fun… But got boring after a while…



ya sorry mario fan butnintendo tricked me into buying a n64 and this time i purchased the gc for 1 single game no thanks to frigin capcom im a resident evil junkie so kill me lol


gbsp looks awesome, the light was much overdue in the older version. i’ll see if i can make one or two and post em up. your army looks a bit empty.

d00d i got to play my buddies SP in class the other day…i was like drooling (and he saw the pocket slip too lol)

I thought this would be a nice little break so I decided to try some out for our lovely mariofan who was so kind as to start drawing everyone’s pixel people… I started with Kirby but he’s still very much a work in progress but I thought I’d re-start the flow of nintendo smilies with Peaches.

Let me know what you think…


wow very nice!

Player… are you sersious?? YOu didnt like the new Zelda. Wow - you are the first…second I have heard say this.

I love it. It’s absolutly fantastic - I just wish I had more time to play it. It’s in my top 3 games of all time for sure.

Mariofan - I want one so bad man, I just dont have the cash right now… :frowning:

Hey that peaches is good!

yoshi was a little more difficult but I might as well show you what I ended up with.


~ Seretha

A link to the past // link your gameboy’s to play with four ‘links’ via… link… cable.

It’d be sweet to play Zelda between four GBA(SP)'s with some friends. Expensive, but sweet.

Since I didn’t wanna buy a GC, or a GBA… or anything… I pulled out my SNES and started playing Link to the Past in all it’s original glory. I can’t remember what to do. So I’m just attacking chickens until the swarms come and then hiding.

ill pust some smilies up soon…

I’ll be waiting :slight_smile:

lol asilin. thta always werks! and i am second in line with sure…

I made link by the way.

props to law for making link!!! its wicked man!!!