No border around pictures, come pros

hi, im new to flash i started about a week ago. I can not figure out how to get rid of the borders around pictures when you put them into flash, I know there is a way because i’ve seen many great flash movies with no borders around the images. Can someone pleeeaasee answer this for me, i know it has been asked many times before, but i cant find the answer anywhere.

Have never seen a border around my pics in flash ?!?!?!

what i mean is the white stuff that is all around the picture in a square, i want to get rid of that so i just have the image

Do you mean the background/stage color?
theres a tutorial about making it transparent here… go look for that if thats whay you mean

BAHHH this is such an easy question it blows my mind that I must explain it in depth. OK, here is what happens, I take a picture off the internet and put it into my flash movie, the picture is surrounded with white to create a square, my picture now looks like the picture with a white square behind it, i want to get rid of the white square so i JUST have the picture, how do i do that?

are you talking about the line encompassing the picture (stroke)?

you can get rid of that by double clicking on the line and then hitting delete

or if you want to just get rid of the background whiteness, click modify at top, then click document and change the width and height to the dimensions of your picture

thanks kax, do u know if there is a way to completely remove a specific color, it doesnt matter really but it would be useful

honestly … nope :-\

maybe someone else knows?? :sigh:

hey troll,

hmmm im not quite sure about what you are asking but you might wanna try converting it to a movie clip symbol then going into properties of the picture and select color, then select tine and the color you want to ppicture to be… :q:

UncleGuito, you seem to be thinking very very complex, all im talking about is when you rip pictures into flash they have a white square outlining them. It makes every picture look like a box, i wanted to remove the box and now I know how, but im also wondering if it is possible to create a transparent color when editing pictures. I can already do this using a graphic editor but Im wondering if there is a way to do this in flash MX.

ps. wow were getting very fast answers here, almost like an instant messanger :slight_smile:

yes, this is the greatest flash community of all time, and i welcome you to it.

anyways, there is a way, and i think i know what you are talking about. first, click on the picture and click insert at the top, and convert to symbol. name it and click movie symbol. then click ok and click on the picture. at the bottom there is a box that says properties with a menu on the right that says color. click it, then alpha, and scroll to whatever percentage you want.

the image should become clear to however much u want it

try experimenting with the color toolbar a bit…

uncle, you giving me some good help for flash mx, but u still dont see the problem, ill explain it using an example. I hope your all familiar with monkey island series cause thats where my picture is from.

I copy and paste my picture of Guybrush Threepwood (main character) into flash, the picture has guybrush threepwood but he is surrounded by a square of green. Now what i want to do is take out this green so that only Guybrush is left.

ps. thanks for that fade thing with the alpha though, that’lll be cool for making ghosts in the future

*Originally posted by Troll_axethrowe *
**UncleGuito, you seem to be thinking very very complex, all im talking about is when you rip pictures into flash they have a white square outlining them. It makes every picture look like a box, i wanted to remove the box and now I know how, but im also wondering if it is possible to create a transparent color when editing pictures. I can already do this using a graphic editor but Im wondering if there is a way to do this in flash MX.

ps. wow were getting very fast answers here, almost like an instant messanger :slight_smile: **

No, you cannot do this from within Flash. Doing so would require you to use the Trace Bitmap feature to convert the image into a “vector” form, but increases file size and CPU usage and you would have to manually remove all the color bit by bit. You are better off just doing it in your graphics program then importing that in.