White backgrounds

on a picture in flash, does anyone know how to get rid of the white background around the picture? like if i want the picture to go in front of a black box, it shows a white rectangle around him. does anyone know how to stop this?

Thanks:) :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

change the background color?

Was the original image transparent?

you can import your images into flash with transparency, using photoshop or other image maniplulation application when you save in photoshop , save for web , and select PNG24 and tick transparency, when you import the image it will be transparent.

If the original wasent transparent, you can make it transparent by cutting out the area you dont need and leaving it with nothing in the background.


You’ve got to be kidding me!

Excuse me while i go and slap myself…

Thanks Soulman…

hehe… here is a trout-slap :trout:

and 2 more :trout::trout: ok … thats enough.

Glad i could help :slight_smile:

LOL the wonderful world of PNG’s and Flash. I remember when i first discoverd this. I haven’t made a web graphic in flash sence. Just be sure to go into your library and right click on the PNG and go to Properties. Then make sure the PNG is reconized as PNG not JPG. Flash has a tendacy to read PNG’s like JPG and makes them blurry.

well , actually its best to let flash compress the PNG file as a jpg in order to keep the size down on your swf. Usually no more than 75 to 80 percent is needed to get no visual loss in your image.

search the forums to find methods on how to control your PNG to JPG compression in flash.

or just use Fireworks.

seriously tho, I have never had that problem. I rarely use PS, and I have never had that problem. I use png’s almost exclusively, and don’t go into image properties unless I want to increase the compression, and I don’t have the fuzzy image problems…

I wonder if PS adds some sort of info that Fireworks doesn’t…


it’s probably because your default publish image compression in flash is set at 80 like mine, so i dont have to change anything as well. :wink:

IT depends on mine. If it is a larger sized PNG it almost always comes out fuzzy unless i go change it. If it is smaller then it is ready to go.

sometimes, I do, but I take care in preparing my images before they get into flash, so that there is no loss of image quality when I publish.

Flash has changed the way it handles images from 4 to 5 then to MX.

I still think the image probs you guys are finding is because you are going from an Adobe product to a MM product.


*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**IT depends on mine. If it is a larger sized PNG it almost always comes out fuzzy unless i go change it. If it is smaller then it is ready to go. **

seriously Sintax… try Fireworks for all of your web destined work. I’ll bet you will save an hour a day…


no problems here, :beam:

no thanks rev. I’ve tried it before and didn’t like it compared.

it’s not supposed to be compared to ps…

I think you just didn’t give it enough of a chance, but that is just my opinion.

But hearing all of the threads on the blurry image/white border issues, I would think that part alone would convert more people.

Plus, an image exported in Fireworks will be a smaller file size than one done in Adobe. I don’t know why, but it will be. Sometimes it is only a few k diff, but with others it is huge.

Oh well, we are each comfortable with our own toolboxes…


That is basicly it. I’m jsut to comfortable with PS. I’m sure if i had started with Fireworks at the same time it would be a differnt story.

yup, it’s a toss up.

Do you want to spend the time to get used to a prog that will save you time in the end…

also difficult to do while you have a workload of stuff to get done yesterday…



Ya, i cna’t even find the time i need to work on learing After Effects.