No more power outages

I think I’ve got an idea that will help stop these kinds of mass power outages from happening.

Forget solar power, I say we all switch to hampster-power. Think about it… the possibilities are endless. Throw those little guys on some wheels and let 'em run! :crazy:

Hampsters … an un-tapped natural resource

Ok, fine.

But as soon as the power went out, I knew the people with solar powered houses must be laughing their asses off at us.

Where were you when it happened? (I was sitting in front of my computer, and when it went off, I thought it over heated)

I’m in South Philly, PA - I wasn’t affected by it at all … luckily.

I use my laptop anyway, so I would have went on battery power, given me time to shut everything down and still leave time for me to panic

Badmagick, easy man ur thinking have gone way tooo far :sigh: :+)

peace out 2 u 2 and all dudez and dudettes of los familia de kirupa