It’s a blog about bedding and stuff for a very nice client. Can y’all make sure the CSS works in all browsers? I want to know about major bugs… anything that most people won’t notice is insignificant. Also, the rollover on the nav should either work, or not. I know in several browsers it simply never appears (fine), but I don’t want it to partially show up.
Also, any small concerns over the design? I’m pretty much done with this part, and I might have another thread showcasing more once I’m done, but if there’s anything small you suggest I might be able to do that. (Plus, I’m sure most of you won’t like it. The client did, and I did.)
Really? What is it showing for you? The body fonts are this: [font=monospace]“Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif[/font]…
Also, can anybody check the text wrap again? I think I fixed it (at least the nav part). It seems to be working in IE7. I can’t test in IE6 very easily.