This is not quite complete, but I want to have everybody test it before I finish it off.


It’s a blog about bedding and stuff for a very nice client. Can y’all make sure the CSS works in all browsers? I want to know about major bugs… anything that most people won’t notice is insignificant. Also, the rollover on the nav should either work, or not. I know in several browsers it simply never appears (fine), but I don’t want it to partially show up.

Also, any small concerns over the design? I’m pretty much done with this part, and I might have another thread showcasing more once I’m done, but if there’s anything small you suggest I might be able to do that. (Plus, I’m sure most of you won’t like it. The client did, and I did.)

Thanks a bunch, :slight_smile:

FF flawlessly. Great Job love the colors and design.

Hehe. Thank you. :slight_smile:

The text ‘(required)’ next to the ‘Name’, ‘Email’, and ‘Contact’ buttons doesn’t show up in IE7. (On the comment form)

Ok. I guess I’ll add that into the html (I rather liked it added with css :().


Hmm the fluid width is not working out too well for width of 800px. Some of the stuff is chipped down to next line.

Otherwise great layout!

In any specific browser? I’ll check it out. :slight_smile:

Whatever happened to the tooltips on the navigation?

Depends on your browser. As I said, I’m not even going to try crowse-browser support. It’s progressive enhancement. :wink:

looks great
except that if your window is not fullscreen in ie
the menu starts tto go over the logo

Ok, thanks. That seems to be a similar problem MTSoul had. What resolution are you at?


:lol: sorry man, it’s IE 6 :stuck_out_tongue:

set a min-width or something.

IE6 doesn’t support a min-width. I have it set. :wink:

i find the text hard to read nokky:)

Really? What is it showing for you? The body fonts are this: [font=monospace]“Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif[/font]…

Also, can anybody check the text wrap again? I think I fixed it (at least the nav part). It seems to be working in IE7. I can’t test in IE6 very easily.