Noooo Swift Download Didnt Work!


i just payed 170 bucks for swift 3d, they tell me that they cant send it to me because they are all out so i have to get the download version.

so i get the download version and i 30% it fails. I restarted it and i guess it worked because there was an install file on my desktop. I open the file and it says the program is corrupt.

When i ordered it it said i had an account that i could go into to download it again if i needed to, so i went to the website but i couldnt find a place to login to my account!

Then i accidently closed my browser window with the account and download page open.

AHHHH what should i do?

They cant ship me a verison until they come out with version 4 (or so they say)

anyone know where i can login to my account at

im so frustrated, and if i dont get the program after paying for it… IM GUNNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

(though i dont know what im guna do)

oh crapzilla, i got a new problem, i think it was because i was using mozilla to download it, but when i use IE, i login, it says im logged in. Then i click my orders and says im logged out!

grrrrrrr im getting frustrated!

why don´t u wait for V4 then? I think its going to be released soon, but don´t know when…

This sounds like a problem that typically exists when you visit a link from a hotmail account. Since hotmail automatically puts it in a frame I think it screws up with logins, because I know this forums (as well as others) seems to think you are logged out when you visit a thread via an email notification.

Copy and paste the url into a new browser window instead so you don’t have the frame.

That is… if that is the issue.

because im an impatient little child thats why!

the problem was that IE was blocking all the cookies.

I think the program is gunna be good this time… mostly because it hasnt stopped and its at 43% 56k

just call them up and they’ll give you the link. They have great customer service - very nice people. V4 should be here in early june.

wahoo i got it to work!

and i get a free copy of V4 cuz they were sold out of packaged v3