Not to be too commercial

opinion on the layout for

looks quite nice man , very limited content but i guess you know that :thumb:
I like it very pro job…although maybe id add a few flashy elements, buts thats just me :slight_smile:

one more thing.
How did you get that gig man designing that site ?

I didn’t but Someone I worked with that I told to go out and get set up a company cuz he was wasted working for me has a big hand in it.

I think it’s a great layout, clear and simple. However, the problem with most flash sites is that they dont utilize the entire browser window. Time after time I see beautiful designs where only 1/5 of the screen is used. Why the heck did I buy a large monitor when it doesn’t give me any advantage? Also, your text wasn’t very clean looking, might making reading the content difficult for some.

I like it however I didn’t like Fame Acadamy so I think that your gonna fathem out that I don’t like Alex Parks. Give me Jay Z music any day.

Alez is lovely, someone that you could easily take home to meet your mom!