Hi, just looking for some members and comments on this site
if you want to join you can post in the referals section too. ok,thank you!!
Hi, just looking for some members and comments on this site
if you want to join you can post in the referals section too. ok,thank you!!
Pretty cool I like the color scheme. Are you trying to recruit members? Nah jus playing. It is cool. Hey how much are those boards? Everyone is getting one. Maybe I should get one :bounce: . DOH brinkster does nmot have php capabilities. Well hey man it is pretty cool its a board so not much to say.
Wow that is one of the nicest looking forums I’ve seen, of course not nice as Kirupa, but nice. haha =)
hey, glad you like it!
3d-iva - its using phpBB which is free.
Man, veh veh nice.
Wish you luck! Nicest forum I’ve seen… Now the hard part… drawing in the people. :bounce:
yeah, i really hope we get a decent amount of members.
ADverseFX.com - Ill talk to the admin about the advertising and let you know.
Pretty Amazing
Very nice screens. Liked the colors and it was real easy to look at. Some very nice Photoshop work.
Hey are you going to offer any advertising spots or anything?? I could quite possible use a space. For an upcoming venture.
Hello everyone, im the admin of the site, and thanks for your kind words! I am going to start advertising on the site soon, its averaging about 1000 distinct visits a month, and about 100.,000 hits. Email me if interested in advertising
-Alex Raftas NotThisTime.com
good job!
i don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubble here, and not trying to take
away from anyone’s good work, but phpBB offers tons of free
templates to load into your board. I’ve seen over 100 of them
myself, because i use phpBB on a client site and needed
a scheme to match.
Here’s a link to some of the templates they offer themselves:
It’s a great board, and works really well. Can’t beat FREE!
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