Now what do you think so far?

Well I had a previous post a couple of days ago about a site that Im working on for a customer and over the last couple of days Ive made alot of changes so I was wondering if I could get some more feedback the changes that Ive made…
basically Ive changed alot of the layout (still dont have alot of content right this second but will have most of it on tommorow). But Ive changed alot of font issues, Menu issues, Completly reskinned the mp3 player <went with the car theme that was brought up on the previous post>

what I havent done yet is revamped the intro because quite honestly Ive run out of ideas on what to do for it and the company Im building it for has no preference so its all on me but my well has run dry the last day or so so I really could use some ideas for the intro shown here

But what I really want critiqued on is the main site and the new changes Ive made found here

Let me have it :wink:

first of all… the site seems to be rather tooooooooooooooo large… don’t like the font you used for the preloader… i think it’s far “blurrier” than the one i have :stuck_out_tongue:
when the site has loaded over 50% it’s rather hard to see the loading status because of the image behind the percent thing… personally i don’t like the right side with those gradients and everything… not how it looks doing preloading…
that red “welcome to…” has nothing to do there… at least not with that color…

i like the menu but i think the letters need a little space between them and i wouldn’t use the same font for menu and content as well…
i don’t like the “player” in the lower right side… the buttons are far to small, the green text is hard to read on the blue backgorund
in the pictures section… the images are deformed… their width is too small… and the thumbnails scroll far to fast if you have the cursor far from them…

i would rather have those animations between each section faster and more dynamic… after all that’s what a car is all about :slight_smile:

honestly, the first impression (during the loading time) was awful but then things changed… still i think you a have a lot of work to do


when it started it was a 2 bit amture site… now i’ve seen it progress to a pretty nice site!

Keep it up!

My two cents
Things I don’t like:**
lose the uppercase body text
don’t overlay your body text on a picture
I get the impression you stole the music
car stereo mp3 player is to small
those long pictures that pop out on rollover are annoying
red text = bad

Things I like
simple menu - with out the long picture pop out thingy
pictures are awesome
stereo idea - although the idea was poorly executed

My advice would be to scrap the music and any other work that is not yours unless you get permission from the artists. If you do get permission put a small notice stating that you did. I mean those pictures are great too but they’re much higher quality work than everything else in site so I’m lead to believe that they’re not yours either. Personally after taking all of the above into consideration I wouldn’t buy rims from those guys.

O yea, I think the ludacris song is a poor choice for songs. So people are offended by stuff like that and it portrays a very unprofessional image when the first thing you hear is “hey nigger” or whatever the first line of that song is.

what exactly do you mean “stole the music?” I dont get it… Im not selling it in any way and the music was taken directly off of the customers cds that he owns therefor has rights to use on his site… I have no control over what music he wants either he has made his choice on what he wants. Also the only thing that isnt mine in the site is the pictures which I have obtained permission to use.

there is some things that everyone has mentioned and I agree with most of it but truthfully the things you have brought up are the things that the customer SPECIFICALLY wants and he is kind of stubborn but then again with good right it is his site.

but on second thought maybe I will try to edit out some things on the mp3s… ill see what I can do.

even if you buy the cd, you don’t have the rights to put it on your site. Sorry dude!

ok well I must have been misinformed… So what do I have to do write a letter to the record company everytime I want to use a song on a website?

lol Good luck getting the rights to use the music. Earlier this year I contacted interscope to see about using Still Dre. - dr. dre, and they wanted a minimum of $2,000 to use it for a charity function.

Also, ask your client why the heck he hired you if he’s not going to let you do your job.

well truthfully this site has been a nightmare since day one… For me wanting to start something new with webdesign and this being kinda like a flagship site I am kind of unhappy with the experience because its not up to snuff and you guys are right but believe me this is a really hard genre of site to tackle… I dont know if you guys are into modding cars and whatnot but its huge around here and thats what the guy is trying to capture the whole “fast and the furious” theme and it only appeals to a certain genre of people so this is very tough to workaround. Luckily I am into cars and kinda know how the “scene” works although I dont really consider myself to be affiliated with the whole gansta rap thing and all that but again like I said you have to make the customer happy. Also with that in mind that is why he hired me to make something for him but it has to be what the customer wants right?
as far as the music goes I dont even care anymore… I just want this site to be done so I can work on other sites that I can really do a better job on and not have this hanging over my head. I understand what you guys are talking about with getting rights to the music which I will from now on but like I said Im at my wits end and just want this over with :stunned:

Hey Zero don’t take the comments posted here to heart and get all discouraged. If this is your first site I’d say you did a great job. Didn’t you say you wanted honesty in your other thread? Besides you can’t expect to come out of the gates with mind blowing designs. I create stuff all the time that I think is great but a lot of other people don’t.

Anyways, don’t let yourself off the hook with excuses, put in the work and you’ll feel much better about the whole experience. After all, nothing good ever comes easy.