Number seven.. It was number seven!

Today I got a rather interesting call from Detective DeMarco. It seems the robbery I witness some time ago has finally netted a couple “would be culprits”. These culprits are being set in front of me at one today…

You guessed it folks… I get to do an actual police lineup of specifically hot chicks.

The funny thing, her face is somewhat blurry because she was wearing a tight shirt on a hot autumn day… So, here’s hoping they’re all size b because this girl was a definitely c + and perky as your morning coffee. … wooo hoo!.

Maybe I can tell the detective they said something naughty…

Oh this is going to be fun…

LMAO! :stuck_out_tongue: I envy! I envy!!

We were all standing around the window, and after shuffling them and making them change attire I picked her again…

Standing in silenece, I looked at the detectives there as well as witnesses, and replied…" You know this is a first."

“Why is that, Mr. Woods?”

“Well, I guess sometimes it just doesn’t actually pay to be good looking. I mean, cmon, obviously she wasn’t with the guy, I mean she was WAY out of his league. That’s the only reason I double shot her.”

Laughter ensues. “That’s EXACTLY what WE all agreed on!!!”

I got to keep my sticker saying I was a helpful citizen. 26 years old and I still love field trips…