Nvidia releases new Forceware drivers v56.64

Nvidia have released there new Forceware drivers v56.64.
Released date March 15th. 2004

from nvidia site
NVIDIA ForceWare Release 55 Introduces Game Profiles and Boosts Performance.

**SANTA CLARA, CA—MARCH 15, 2004—NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the worldwide leader in visual processing solutions, today announced the availability of the NVIDIA® ForceWare™ Release 55 graphics driver for add-in graphics cards based on NVIDIA GeForce™ graphics processing units (GPUs). This new release includes many new features, tools and enhancements, including customized application and game profile settings, and support for PCI Express. The Microsoft WHQL-certified NVIDIA ForceWare Release 55 driver is immediately available for download at Official Drivers | NVIDIA

Click here to see the rest of the article explaining new features and more
**cool new stuff, like with some windowed application you can minimize to title bar (like on a mac OS). Better intergration and control over multiple monitor views.

I have tested it and it is working great :slight_smile:

::Click here to download::
