Nvidia have released there new Forceware drivers v56.64.
Released date March 15th. 2004
from nvidia site
NVIDIA ForceWare Release 55 Introduces Game Profiles and Boosts Performance.
**SANTA CLARA, CA—MARCH 15, 2004—NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the worldwide leader in visual processing solutions, today announced the availability of the NVIDIA® ForceWare™ Release 55 graphics driver for add-in graphics cards based on NVIDIA GeForce™ graphics processing units (GPUs). This new release includes many new features, tools and enhancements, including customized application and game profile settings, and support for PCI Express. The Microsoft WHQL-certified NVIDIA ForceWare Release 55 driver is immediately available for download at Official Drivers | NVIDIA…
Click here to see the rest of the article explaining new features and more
**cool new stuff, like with some windowed application you can minimize to title bar (like on a mac OS). Better intergration and control over multiple monitor views.
I have tested it and it is working great