Oasis are back

inspired by another thread :thumb:

Oasis has a new album out in May and they’ve released the first single from the album called Lyla.

I am one of the biggest Oasis fans in the world. I’ve got all their albums, even bootlegs and I just love the band.

Gotta say though that the new song sucks, I mean it really does. The start is really similar to several Beatles songs. Now I didn’t used to mind when they ripped off the Beatles, in fact thats what they’re there for, but when it’s this blatant it bugs me. You’re supposed to be inspired by the Beatles not just copy their tunes. The chorus sucks “Heeeeeyyyyyy Lyyyyyllllaaaaa” OH COME ON…Wheres the Oasis swagger. You listen to Supersonic and tell me you can’t hear their swagger and cockiness. Was hoping it would be back to basics but it just ain’t.

This is the worst Oasis song I ever heard…sorry but the sooner Noel admits he needs either a writing partner or to go solo he’ll not produce another Supernova or Live Forever…

lets hear what you think of the Oasis Track Lyla