Please post your comments and thoughts about the obj. reference guide here…
Please post your comments and thoughts about the obj. reference guide here…
what obj. reference guide ?
Im so lost :!:
I posted an objects refrence guide in this section of Random… Gonna keep adding to it and I didn’t wnat iot to get spammed out so I created this thread for comments on it
Blah… You’re always lost… I posted the newest addition…
How to use objects
I added a couple more lines of stuff in the object reference guide… Will finish off arrays tomorrow… Sometime…
I see this is a hot discussion topic :!:
… I could add some stuff but itd be being picky
Nice use of color though!
Whys it in Random?
I put everything in Random… Then I let whoever do whatever with it lmao
Go ahead and do some stuff man… I opened this one up for you and me… If you donm’t add I’ll do som stuff
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