post editing - keep it low, the idea is to use your camera to create, not photoshop.
How much is low? I usually add a blur to my photos ( is that to much?
I am in either way.
post editing - keep it low, the idea is to use your camera to create, not photoshop.
How much is low? I usually add a blur to my photos ( is that to much?
I am in either way.
Yes too much. Why can’t you use the shot straight out of the camera? I did.
Try not to laugh too hard. I’m an amateur.
I’m an amateur too, only my second time using a digi cam…
And I used my shot straight out of cam too
dang. well i don’t know anything about 35mm either. or anything about cameras, really. I know little, at least.
i do know that i have a rockin’ camera! check it out here.
dude I just went around, taking pictures of my garden, and saw a cool color flower. I took the shot. Don’t know crap ether! This is good though, atleast I’m not the only new one here
mrE, nice pic!
are you serious or are you being sarcastic, ruski?
if you’re serious- thanks! I didn’t put much thought into it though. not a very creative shot. a little rearrangement, but i thought it was pretty boring. just some cool colors.
Whoa wait a tic,
am I the only person who doesn’t see mrE’s pic?!
right click^^>properties>copy url into your browser.
i’ve been having trouble having it show up on my screen too but it works. try this link if it won’t load.
EDIT i guess he beat me to it. but now i’m getting a page cannot be found error. hmmm… let me just fix that. i’ll host it somewhere’s else.
Yeah cannot see it.
A really good free host is or
try this link now. i updated all other references too.
Haha! Now I see it!
Dude that very creative! I really like it! NJ!
thanks bro! i really like yours too. never seen such an odd lookin’ flower. the pink and orange ness is really unique, i think.
Thanks a lot man. Appreciate the comments, and yes, it is a wierd looking flower
[ot]Sorry this is off topic, but mrE, I really love this image you did on deviant art, it’s very emo! Great work.
And whose that good looking girl?[/ot]
um… that is a collaboration piece that I made with my buddy, Tadd Mencer. And he added the girl, but it’s a stock image from [url=]this sexy lady.
i’m glad you like that collab! it’s my first one ever. Although i don’t feel as if I did much with it. not as much as tadd, at least.
@DJ:I could - its just easier that way :-/
No problems, im gonna replan my shot and then submit
Edit: didnt see another page snuk in…
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