^I play minigolf
Seb my man you really gotta get rid of that jungle dude itâll be your undoing :lol:
But honestly bud go outside fly a kite, ride a bike go outside with a camera take some pics get in touch with nature go to the movies with friends maybe have that girl explore your jungle.
Dude you gotta do something else besides sit on the PC all day you can get a x360 and play online also but that will be just as addictive as kforums and msn only diffrence is your braggin is justified when you beat someone to a pulp and own their @ZZ :lol:
You young and got your whole life ahead of you man when your older your gonna look back and say man I wasted my time when I was young and your gonna want to be yougn again and now when your yougn you wanna be old us humans are some very complicated beings.
Its like were all womens inside were all complicated some more than others.
Experience life dude cause you only get one chance to live it do all you want and all you can and remember life is what you make it.
Exactly what i was thinking! :kommie:
sounds like a baaaad case of emo-itis
Seb, even though this will seem like it will not help or it will be too uncomfortable or whatever, go outside for long walks. Walk to a store thatâs like a mile away and buy a coffee or whatever and walk back every morning. You will feel very, very good.
I hope you take this little bit of advice seriously, because Iâm sure many of us on Kirupa Forum, being long-time computer users, have felt the same way as you.
If you ever feel really bad, talk to your parents. They care for you more than anything and would definitely want you to tell them how you are doing.
Because you have no friends but online dorks that have no life?
Nokrev maybe your new mac will help ease the pain :love:
Seb get a job and you can hang out there its fun and you get paid lol.
[whisper]Thought this was another talk out of suicide thread[/whisper]
Yea I thought the same thing.
Also I was thinking of getting a job.
Im getting my working permit tommorrow :thumb: .
Enjoy nature Seb; Join a gym or a club. Do something
I have a close friend who suffers from bouts of depression and they diagnosed her as Bi Polar. She calls it Jim the demon ( nicknamed after Jim Morrison) I know she battles with it everyday no matter how good or bad the day is.She has accepted it and does the best to fight it; She gets involved in activities she enjoys, volunteers, exercises and prays. It has definately helped her.
Get out of the house Seb and do something fun; Donât let anything beat you :snug:
Nokrev be nice!!!
Lol, is it me or is seb trying to trick us into getting him into the MOD world.
seb just live the forums as a poor member status like me we can be"poor member status" friends
put thid in ur sig
âpoor member status leaderâ lol lets start a club
Go outside and climb a tree. I always feel really good after climbing a tree. Itâs even more fun if you try to climb a tree in a new way.
Just this week I found a new way to climb this tree outside of my school.
And whatâs even more fun is to climb a tree and tape a dollar to a long branch.
Then see how long it stays there. I taped a dollar to a tree outside the sixth-grade building at my school. Fun fun fun!
Hey scirus lets start a squirel club :lol:
Tree Climibing is fun!!!
Genius! I must build up l33t-tree-climbing-skillz and try! :thumb:
Edit:// Seb, all I can say is, next time youâre at Best Buy, pick up World of Warcraft. There is no better cure for depression.
Edit2:// And while youâre at it, make sure you get on the Garithos server. Horde please.
Oh i cant let it sink with that being said. Do it Seb your really have nothing too lose. All you can do is gain [whisper]some gold[/whisper].
:hair: [COLOR=âRedâ]edited by mod for inappropriate content[/COLOR]