OMG, I've been UNFLUX'd

The way I see it is, Fred Durst has had sex with Britney Spears… so really, I dont think being him is that bad of a thing. Not to mention the millions of dollars he has :wink:

I just looked up “Fred Durst.”

I am not pleased with the comparison UNFLUX…

I’ll have to watch you closer…



What ever u do dont get rid of the side burns. you should grow it in fryer tuck style and then grow a chin strap beard.

it already grows in a Friar Tuck style…

Nature is cruel…



ok sorry. I was just trying to make converstation in a thread
using my name in the title. That’s about it…

I’ve warn a bald look since 1997 (5yrs) and I love it. Thing is,
even if I wanted to have a hair style, it would be bald. Oh well.

well, this is for low maintenance…

It will grow out…

slowly, and with a hole in the top…

