One of my "oldies"

Here is a comic book page I started about two years ago. I didn’t finish it until the end of my high school year this year. I stopped working on it and forgot about it. I got desperate to finish my portfolio for class and dug it up and finished it. Hope you like.:slight_smile:

Pen and Prismacolor.

klunk, Oh crap, Ka-boom.

lol :thumb:

insert “batman the tv series” like onomatopoeia here:

pow! biff! zam!

nice job, i like it;)

Is that guy blowing up his school or something? :-/

No. Here is the story behind him. He is a good guy believe it or not. His family was shattered apart when his mother was killed by a ruthless assassin. He went out in search for revenge but couldn’t get anywhere. then one day he gets pulled aside at a family reunion and is told how he can find the man that killed his mother. But he would have to become an assassin himself. He then suddenly dissappeared from the reunion, not telling anyone where he was going. His search for the murderer began. His revenge was going to be paid in full to the man that killed his mother.

…and at that point, he decided to blow up his school.


Awesome cartoon. Two thumbs up.



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