Online payment gateways?

Basically, I have no idea whatsoever how they work. That is, the whole process of taking the customer’s CC details and then processing the payment into the merchant’s bank account…

I need to build an online store, and PayPal is the only online payment thing I’ve ever integrated into a website, but the client is dead-set against PayPal. I can custom-build the store itself in PHP/MySQL with CMS and all, but I have no experience integrating a payment gateway…

Can anyone recommend any good gateways (preferably Australian)? A quick Google for ‘online payment gateway’ (limited to Australian sites) returned eWAY and NetRegistry. The others seem pretty dodgy, imo.

And what exactly is the client required to set up? From what I’ve read so far:

  • Client creates an ‘online merchant account’ on their bank account.
  • Client signs up to a payment gateway (eg. eWAY) and pays setup/monthly fees.
  • I integrate the payment gateway’s API into the website (somehow).

Any help would be appreciated!