Online Scavenger Hunt!

Whoever finds these 4 items and links them in a post WINS!

[size=3]1)[/size] A post in a completely non Flash/Web related forum using the term “flash”

[size=3]2)[/size] A picture of one person with his/her arms around two other people as demonstrated by myself in the following image:

(note this image does not qualify)
The arms can be around the waists and/or around the shoulders/necks

[size=3]3)[/size] A column or paragraph of continuous text (no lists or anything divided by a paragraph break or image) where the word “poo” is spelled vertically on the left edge of the text. For example.

Phrases such as these
often become greatly
overused as they refer to
excrement, something the
natives here greatly value.

[size=3]4)[/size] A piece of software whos name has more than 10 letters (not counting spaces and numbers) but whos name has NO a’s, e’s or i’s

(you nor kirupa are allowed to host or produce any of these treasures - find them elsewhere on other servers; senocular nor his immediate relatives are eligable to play)

Again, the first person to post links to each one of these 4 items will be the WINNER! What is your prize for winning you ask? Respect :wink:

The race is on!

Go Go Go!!!