Online shop design revisited

Hi all - TRhanks for all your help a while ago, in design C&C.

I redesigned [(This) site , and came up with URL=“”]( one. :slight_smile: – All the product images need to be de-backgrounded and scaled the same, but you get the grernal idea…

Any thoughts on the new design? Vs Old


new one is well better!!! just looks better centred and the background goes well with it :slight_smile:

looks better to me, looks much more fun that before with all the white space. :thumb2:

yeah I agree the new one is better, looks more fun, alive

site I’d visit more than once, good job :afro:

Thanks , G , simp, Rab :slight_smile: - Gonna carry on then, and clean up the products and a few ni8ggles here and there… dont forget to get your wallets out after launch LOL – ( That X-Ufo looks like loads of Fun ) :slight_smile:

Have you tried having that top black bump flow in like a wave from the side? Not tryin to make more work or anything but i think that might look a little more organic. Otherwise, good work, it’s amazing how such a small change can make a site totllly better, eh?

Big improvement. Your version is a lot more fun and engaging, just by adding those borders/margins.

Some of your spacing looks a bit off, but as your still developing have a quick look over the site…

Once you de-background those images it should look dam nice. :smiley:

I dont see this big improvement it looks like its about to go out of style.

Interface and layout look good, but I would definately lose the orange backround and side borders, to me they seem restricting.

i like it a lot but maybe is too confusing ( the old and new ). I have de idea that the people is very simple and likes the things being very simple …

Keep working in this one, i loved it !

Site is now live here :slight_smile: Thanks for all your comments

P.s ( I know about the Javascript error - it happened in migration - fixing it asap.)

I think the flash media goes very well with the site :slight_smile:

Great job :slight_smile: The only thing that I think may be better (I know its live and its not essential by any means) is the way the selected products on the home page are displayed…you only have like 3 total on show, lots of sites have like say 6 - 10 top products on view.