My main swf (site.swf) contains a movie clip loader that loads a second swf “item_menu.swf”. Inside this second swf, I also have a movie clip loader “cityLoader_mc” that loads another swf “itemA1.swf” but the onLoad function only works for the button “A1_btn”. It does not work to load the swf by default. Please help !
Do I have to use something before onLoad since it’s not the root swf or something?
Here is the code
onLoad = function() {
// Button actions
citySlider_mc.A1_btn.onRelease = function() {
citySlider_mc.A2_btn.onRelease = function() {
I am using flash CS3 with AS 2.0
I would like to keep it super basic because I picked up Action Script two weeks ago.
Thanks for your help!!!