Open Challege with Dan!

LOL, my radio is going to be soooo sad its unbelievable.

I don’t even know the capabilities of the sound object in Flash. I just know how to make a play and stop button.


Hopefully Photoshop can make up for that though.

don’t forget panning and volume!!
alrighty then, i’ll start coding tomorrow. so, can we incorporate photoshop images into this flash mp3 player?


I didn’t forget them, I don’t know how to do them :stuck_out_tongue:

I think i saw many tut’s about how to pain ur volume!

search google

i cant wait to see the result! :stuck_out_tongue: this is going to be SO cool!

it’s actually very easy, once you create your sound object, just do this:

where ‘nValue1’ is a number from 0 to 100 and ‘nValue’ is a number between -100 and 100.
have fun everyone, this should be very interesting!!

if anyone has questions about the sound object, just post in the flash mx section and i’ll get to it. i’ve had to deal with these issues a lot in the past few months.

ARGH!! i cant wait…the suspense is killing me
clutches heart and dies

You guys are lucky I’m on vacation. Otherwise I would have kicked your butts badly.

:-\ Well not really, but it’s always good to trashtalk a bit.

You should participate Ilyas :slight_smile:

It is a two week battle starting… well… today (Tuesday, where I am it is 3am Tuesday morning).

You could whip something up in like a day I bet… with your mad genius skillz :stuck_out_tongue:

I should, I agree, but I’ll have to wait until they find a way to Flash without a computer :-\ I,m leaving to Vietnam today, boys. I’ll see you later :cowboy:

OHHHH, Ok. How long will you be gone?

Well, not right now, but soon :slight_smile:

And Lost, wow, 4000 posts :crazy:

Woot, thanks for calling that to my attention Ilyas :slight_smile:

How long will you be away for?

I’m leaving for 3/4 weeks. I’ll be back in december. :frowning:

That is a really long time :frowning:

So you won’t be visiting Kirupaforum for like 4 weeks then?

cool! :P! that is going to be a pretty cool vaca. i bet! have fun!

there must be SOMEONE with flash on the computer there somewhere! how can you rESIST FLASHING FOR 3/4 weeks!!
ARRRGh clutches heart and dies

oh right…its a VACATION…meaning relaxing…fun in the sun…chicks in thongs…no ripping hair out of frustration this goddam actionscript is not working…vacation would be nice…HAVE FUN!

when will this be done? i really want to do that grunge battle lost!

As of this past tuesday, 2 weeks.