OS: Windows XP Pro
Windows Updated and all Patch installed
Starting today, when I open My Documents, within seconds, the document folder disappears and the bottom panel where it has the green start button, it disappears also for good 4 seconds.
Then the bottom panel reappears and the My Documents folder is closed. I try reopening and does the same thing. I checked for adwares and viruses but none to be found.
This is really puzzling me and very annoying.
I got a response from another board and he told me to right click and choose manage. Under Event Viewer, check Application and choose one of the Information. This is what it says:
The shell has stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted.
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sometimes this happens when you change the explorer.exe, and that is usually when you add styles or icons sets. thats why i asked. In any case usually when your having a problem with explorer.exe windows would usually not start.
The shell was stopped and then restarted. By default, the shell is explorer.exe; however, you might have a customized shell.
this is why i though you might have icons sets or something
are you using any sort of customise app, like windowblinds or similar.
I had this problem before too. For me it wasent due to lack of memory it was a virus.
It’s a hard virus to figure out…
Do you got Norton System Works??
if not search at Symantecs website for a virus simillar to this or even search up in google for Main Folders will not openm or something like that.
What it is, is that you cant open my Computer (Right) and my Documents(Right) so try opening a regular folder and type"" c:"" in the adress bar in any folder.
Not sure if it will work but worth a try.
Anyways while you search in google I will also for help about this.
Also to help me out a bit have you installed any recent programs Antivirus Programs, games, Drivers, Hardware, basically Anything.
Anyways I imagine you have been on the internet numerous times so download Spybot - Search & Destroy
it’s a Spyware/Adware remover Gets rid of those annoying Search web pages for ya they caouse alot of problems.
Now have you downloaded SP2 if not do so now if you did contact Microsoft and tell them about your problem.
lol one last thing lol if you dont got Norton anti virus the next best free Anti virus is http://www.grisoft.com its very good you will have to lok for it in that website but it’s worth the look.