Opinion on site

This my site, it’s in spanish but I only want your opinions.
The site is build in CSS and XHTML no flash. I’m very interested on how it looks on Mac.
The site is:Zurdo

yeh well its clean and simple… i navigated around it with ease. so you well done

your logo looks a bit blurry to me…
get rid of the links on the main page…

aesthetics look amateur to me, but if that what you are then dont worry… i dont know what else to say cos im not a coding man…

if ‘comunicacion visua’ means ‘visual communication’ then i think you should rethink, because i wouldnt hire you on a visual basis, only coding

It looks alright but it’s not very exciting. I’d like to see some more colour.

Thanks for your comments!! they are really help full.
Any sugestions in color? Because that was one of my first problems.

i understand if you want to keep the text area simple but why not do something to showcase your graphic skills with the main header

senocular’s site is an impressive example of what can be done… look around for inspiration… search thru the ‘kool site’ section of kirupa


Well the blue and the marroon you have there go good together (not my taste though) but it’s just not enough to really catch your eye. A simple fix to add a little interest would be to frame the content by using that marroon as the background on both sides of the page.

I like the clean layout, but I agree that the header design leaves something to be desired. The buttons are also nothing I would consider to be interesting or engaging. However the site is a breeze to navigate through.
I really think this site needs some color.

pretty much agree with everyone else…

header image is blurry
site is clean and easy to read (if I could speak spanish)
maybe change colours
navigations dull but easy

good try but I think this site needs a bit more work, not much mostly interface issues, and I think when you fix these problems you’ll have a good site

About the color… were you thinking siomething more like this ?
Thanks all of you for your comments, I’ll see what I can do with the headder…

I would check your site, coz it’s totally messed up in Mozilla Firefox. Don’t just test for IE!!! Furthermore, I like the background, but I do think your navigation (although clear) is boring, with the dark grey mouseovers not fitting your color scheme at all. Header should be clearer (sharp and smooth, not blurry) and have more detail and color, maybe some images or whatever. It’s too white all around. And maybe add some moer space at the bottom of the page, underneath the last text-box?

But, it’s a user-friendly site (if you’re not using Firefox). Keep up the work!

Thanks Lunasol, the problem in firefox began when I add the bakground, It works well in Iexplorer because it’s bugs (lucky me?) but with browser more demanding like firefoxz (my personal choice) the DIVs break apart.

I´m trying to correct the problem ASAP. Any recomendation on the navigation color?

Well, for mouseover color I’d choose either a blue (in the range of background color) or a red (logo-color range) shade.

I know DIV’s/css is tough to get (about) right in both browsers. Good luck with that, I’ve frustrated about the same thing many times as well :wink:

Lol, so yo know my suffering… any idea how I can get a div to extend all the way down the page? The problems is that floated DIVs inside another one colapse and get out of the original div.