Opinions Please

Hey…Just to know what you think about this page…I will apreciate you killing me…:wink:

Thanx a lot for your attention!


Oh…and i know…the load bars are misplaced…:wink:


Much better and much faster than the original, however, something is wrong with the menu. When you click on a link it flashes out like it is going to disappear, but then it pops back on the screen…do you want it to disappear? or stay on the screen? fix the flicker and it will look good.

Looks really nice. You have a gift of professional & clean. Good job.


and you might want to consider a chromeless window for that page…

looks pretty sharp sir. I agree with Jubba… that would look cool chromeless

thanx a lot everyone!..
what is chromeless?..forgive my ignorance… :frowning:

about the menu, people told me that i should leave it static…what do u think?..if so…i’ll try to figure out how to fix that glitch…

Thanx a lot for your opinions and help!!!
