Page Transition

OK, you know how most web sites change to a whole new page when you click on a hyperlink? I will take your silence as a yes. What I want to do, and have seen done on many flash sites, is have a cool transition, and when it finishes, shows the different page. For instance, when you click a link, then something will happen like a door closing, then when it opens, it is a new page. Here is what I need your help with…
How to make the animation start when the link is clicked.
How to make it load a new page or whatever at the end of the animation.

That should do it for now.

you can pass variables.

on press - goto_area = “x”
if goto area = “x”
load x.swf

sorry typing with 1 hand, very tedious.

Hope that helps

I cant seem to get it right, does anyone else have any other suggestions?