Parts of button not displaying in movie

[CENTER] [LEFT]I made a simple button. It’s got a rectangle and in the rectangle it says “Calculate Score.” On the stage the button appears exactly how it should, however, when I play the movie, all the button says is “Calculate” the text for “Score” just doesn’t display…any clue why??


Post a fla? Kinda hard to fix what we can’t see.

my .fla was too big so i just took the same button and put it on a new document, empty stage and all…same thing happening…any help would be greatly appreciated

I’m an idiot…I just realized that the text field was set to dynamic text…silly silly me, but weird that some of the text was showing and some wasn’t…anyhow thanks for taking the time

Embed the font =)

Ya, setting it to static will embed it automaticaly. =)