Passing array element in bezier

Yesterday i got excellent tip by “Myoreo” but here i trapped again,i am trying to pass array element inside bezier but it is not working,what can be the glitch

import gs.;
import gs.plugins.
import flash.display.;
import flash.utils.

var way:Array=new Array();
function calculate()
for (var a:int=0;a<numChildren;a++)
var movieClip=getChildAt(a);
if (movieClip is WayPoint)
way.push(new Point(movieClip.x,movieClip.y));
for (var b:int=way.length; b>0;b–)

if (b<=way.length-2)
{, 10, {bezier:[{x:way**.x,y:way**.y},{x:way[b+1].x,y:way[b+1].y}]});
// not working correctly