Patriot Act

I figure the Ordered forum has been stalling for a while , so lets go for another round of flaming fun! no pun intended…

What are your veiws on Patriot Act and Patriot Act II

I am personaly against it, it allows law enforcing agencies to spy and look on all electronic activities, as well as just regular spying, all without a court order.

Increses Religious surveillance…

It removes rights from Freedom information act,
allows the monetoring conversations beween prisoners and clients.

Allows the labeling of citezens and non-citezens as enemy combatants…


I think its full of loop holes and serves little to protect the USA…
It abridges the freedom’s the country stands for… making it very Orwellian…:alien:

Who says we’re not Orwellian already?

gogli… lol

I’m pretty much against any act that allows the Government more freedom to inpect my private life. I’m for a policy of innocent until proven guilty… the patriot acts are in my opinion in opposition to that concept.

But some would say its worth it, to make sure another 9/11 dosent happend…

I have been stopped while walking across the Police Dept’s parking lot for no reason other than long hair and a beard.

This “Patriot Act” is nothing but a way for the Gov’t to spy on individuals whom they suspect.

If this were in effect before 9/11, would the Trade Centers still be standing? I doubt it.

We need less governing, not more. We spend millions a year to talk about people who don’t have enough food to eat. That makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Fat and sassy people rarely revolt.


But some would say its worth it, to make sure another 9/11 dosent happend…

You know… there are people who believe in principals, and then there are people who believe in principals only until it means their skins. People of the latter methodology, are very likely to survive… but they are not likely to leave a lasting impression upon anyone. We all die eventually. The act of living only extends for a short time in the grand scheme of things. In my own realist mentality I recognize that what I leave behind, for others to follow is the only thing of any real importance to me.

Some may feel differently… but I know the truth, I’d rather live with my principals than die without them.