PC to Mac

Hi, I have a wee problem that I hope you can solve - I have 3 flash movies that I created, but after a terminal HD problem, I only have the “Flash Player Movie” files and “Flah Player exe.” files left. This, in itself had no worries, until I was approached by someone who wants to use them commercially!! They have Mac systems, and I use PC. My question is, how do they open them, and how do I explain what to do for them, as they are new to this format?

Do you have the .FLA file?

If so, save it on the mac system.
Then have them open Flash. Then in Flash’s “file” options choose open.
When the dialogue comes up, select “all files” instead of the default of “flash files”.
Find the directory containing the file.
Select it… Flash should open it like any other FLA.
Save it from the Mac flash player, and it will then recognize the file from then on.

If you don’t have the FLA there is not a lot you can do.