
Just got a new PDA yesterday (old one’s a Handspring visor, new one’s a palm zire 72) and it got me wondering how many people here use/are dependant on pda’s.

I use my PDA daily at work - pretty much dependant on it for keeping track of things/having my notes around at all times. I’ve forgotten it a few times in a rush to work and I’m hopeless without it.

“I have one, I never use it.” and I kind of wish I could get my money back, heh. It’s not bad or anything, but I bought a Tungsten|E to find out that not one Wi-Fi card out there is compatible with it and that was sort of a big limitation. Maybe if I could afford a fancier one I could’ve put it to better use but oh well. . .

No wi-fi cards? What about the one listed here? (eh, it is kind of expensive though)


Or, are you looking for 802.11g?

Don’t got one … though I think a PDA would help me to remember things. I kinda forget everything, heh.