Person/Band Renaming Thread

Hey guys i just got bored so i decided to create this thread :slight_smile:
I think youā€™ll understand by the title ill start :smiley:

Snoopcat - Snoopdog
50 Dollar - 50 Cent
Blink 183 - Blink 182
Cu* 41 - Sum 41 :slight_smile:

ur turnā€¦ this can be very hard when ur thinking

Led Zeppelin - Def Leppard (actually it was intentional)

Notascoolwithoutethanm - Nsync

Nickelback - Quarterback
Creed - Creed Sucks

"Creed - Creed Sucks"
no one can top that. You win at life thor!

cetainly, I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to beat that, all agreed

AGREED :thumb:ā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

stop bashing creed people, they donā€™t even exist anymore.
not so much into their music, but you gotta admit the guitarist is a pretty creative and talented fella.

System of a down - System of an up (laaame)
Jay Z - Gay Z (so obvious it hurts)
Wu-Tang Clan - Putang Clan (dunno if you people know what Putang means)
Korn - Maize

Down with Creed and Nickelback, their guitarists are waayy overrated.

Weezer - Breezer

Yellow Card - Red Card
Gold Finger - Silver Finger
Justin Timberlake - Justin Trousersnake

ā€œJustin Trousersnakeā€ hahahaā€¦

Incubus - Incucoach
Limp Bizkit - Erect cake

Erect cakeā€¦ that one cracked me up.

Clay Aiken - Cry Achinā€™
Blue - Blueā€™s Clues (what?)

an anagramā€¦

googoo dolls - logo dog solo

Sting - Jab
U2 - Me as well
Rolling Stones - Stationery Boulders

hahaha ā€œstationary bouldersā€ roflmao :smiley: