Phil, 6 more to go Lost, 5. Who will be first?

Phil has 6 more posts to go before breaking 4000 and Lostinbeta has a mere 5 before hitting the big 10K. Its a very exciting time. :slight_smile:

who voted too late ??

they both have the same posts than they had when the poll was posted !! :crazy:

neither are on now, I think its a matter of who gets back first :slight_smile: Lost might be out of power with the storm though… I think hes usually a late poster though so I put his money on him (lost) none the less.

i will help you phil :wink:

what do you think about the us government ?? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

that was fast =)

lol, good thing i voted its too late!



:insert large e-geek text here:

:sleep: :goatee:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

seems like phil’s talk has beat lost’s help this time :stuck_out_tongue:

I voted too late, I didnt know about this poll :frowning:

I already banned myself AGES ago

… and you didnt know about that either?

You guys post so much… :crazy:
My current objective is to have 1/3 of Lost’s posts, and even that I can’t do :stuck_out_tongue: