… aw, thanks!
hey lava how did you do that. i really want to know. please tell. :beam:
well… all you need is a mailer… you know, something like when you fill out a form and it sends an email? it’s the same concept… you’re sending an email to "[email protected]"
and ATT will send it.
if you can receive emails at your phone, you can do this… I’ve been meaning to write a tutorial on this, maybe I’ll do it during the week.
im not sure how i would make it in flash though:smirk:
I’ll post the code once flash is done with the player…
ok cool. i sent you a text message.
will you have any dj’s that play harder music…i know ‘one minute silence’ is a wicked band and they arn’t mainstream.
yea i couldn’t find the weather either…i was wondering about that…when’s that going to be up lava? Oh and current events would be handy too!
Alex: I got your message, thanks. And I posted a fla with the movieClip from my site that sends the messages… hope it helps. The settings for when it sends the variables are specific to my server… you will have to find a mailer on your own.
Phil: The show is a 8 Meg download… That might be why you experienced a slowdown. I can get it down to 4.5 Megs, like last show, but I wanted to see if people could appreciate the better quality and still be able to use it. If it causes problems for people, I’ll make it smaller…
Seretha: Soul is starting his show next sunday, and as far as I know, he’s going to play some hard stuff… but dont worry about it, I like hard stuff too, and I might play it from time to time.
haha… As I get more experienced with this… I’ll talk about that…
… but this is a weekly show… so I’m not sure how helpful Sunday’s news might be on thursday
guys can you try out the player again? I posted a slightly different version. Can you see the album art, etc?
Any bugs? suggestions?
hey about that phone business… To “talk” to me would i email [email protected] subject: hi filler: HELLO MYSELF! ?
pretty much…