Phil, I've got a working mailer!

It’s here :…/2/
Come and get it, it works fine, you just have to ftp it.
By the way, it’s in French, so , “Envoyer A” means send to, “De” means from, “sujet”, you can find that out, “votre message”, that’s a though one.

Enjoy !!!


Thanks a lot! I hope it will make sense to me in french though. Im going to go and check it out now. Thanks for your help!


Just one line of code? The one on frame one, the hit button? It’s hard to believe thats all it would take. The french sure do talk funny—mailUR :slight_smile: You never answered me, can you see the waffle tower from where you live? :slight_smile:


What waffle tower ?? I have the feeling that I’m making a fool of myself, but hey, French are great actionscripters, right ?


I meant Eiffel Tower, oooops. My mistake. By the way, I tried your script for making a bookmark; Didn’t work. The script I used is below;

on (press) {
getURL(“javascript.complicatedcommands(blablabla)”,“interesting page”) ;

Was I supposed to remove the blabla first or is that part of the script? :slight_smile: So, ya I guess the french are good actionscripters…


We French people gave you the Statue of Liberty, french patisserie and expensive parfums. Even mailing scripts we provide (btw does it work for you ?) What else do you want ?


I am still working on it and trying to figure out all I need to do. Am I supposed to take that information from Dreamweaver and install it on my server? And is there only one line of code, that being which is on the button? It is below;
on (release) {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp loadVariablesNum (“maileur.php”, 0, “POST”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp gotoAndPlay (5);

I wish they had voice chat in here. It would make things a lot easier. And yes, you are right, I sounded a tad harsh with that other guy. So I deleted my post and wrote over it. Dont wanna sound like Ollie. Poor Ollie.



Is this supposed to go on my server in that CGI bin thang?
On Error Resume Next '*************************************************************************** ’ Parse les var. pour flash afin de lui envoyer dans le bon format function Parse(variable,valeur) response.write “&” & variable & “=” & valeur end function '*************************************************************************** '*************************************************************************** ’ PARTIE PRINCIPALE DU PROGRAMME '******************************************************* 'Remarque : 'Quand vous voudrez que les mails vous parviennent a 'vous directement spécifié cette variale avec votre 'adresse e-mail. ( et enlevez le champ du formulaire qui 'permet de rentrer envoyé à : 'Adr_Envoyeur = "" 'Vous pouvez aussi bien sur rajouter des tests sur les 'emails rentrés par les visiteurs pour vérifier leur 'validité… faire des messages d’erreur plus adapté 'en testant le contenu de chak varaibles etc… '******************************************************** Adr_Envoyeur = trim(request(“Adr_Envoyeur”)) Message = trim(request(“Message”)) Sujet = trim(request(“Sujet”)) Adr_Envoi = trim(request(“Adr_Envoi”)) ’ On teste si tout les champs on été remplis par ’ l’utilisateur si OK on envoit le mail if (Adr_Envoyeur<>"" and Message<>"" and Sujet<>"" and Adr_Envoyeur<>"") then Dim MyMail Set MyMail = Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”) MyMail.From = Adr_Envoyeur MyMail.To = Adr_Envoyeur MyMail.Subject = Sujet MyMail.Body = Message MyMail.Send Set MyMail = Nothing ’ renvoit envoi_reussi a 1 si le mail a été envoyé ’ et 0 dans le cas contraire ! if Err <> 0 then Parse(“envoi_reussi”,1) else Parse(“envoi_reussi”,0) end if ’ on met op_fin a 1 pour dire a flash que l’opération ’ est terminée. Parse(“op_fin”,“1”) ’ Sinon on envoi un message d’erreur else ’ on indique a flash que des var manquent Parse(“var_manquante”,“1”) ’ on indique que l’opération est terminée Parse(“op_fin”,“1”) end if

You don’t need to do anything. Just put it on your server, everything works great. I did it, it’s there (I did not even touch anything; Maybe I should, he misspelled a lot of words. French’s a tough language, I tell you).
The only thing you can change is the following : you erase the “Envoyer a” line because people are supposed to mail you and nobody else than you (you’ll have to change the code a little bit because it checks if the you fille all the text areas) and change the php script a little bit (instead of getting the receiver, you put your email adress).


btw, there’s more than 1 line of code (frame 20, 21, 22)… WTH ???

Please be patient here, Im so new to this and this is all very confusing. I am doing my sisters site for her company. Its called pivotal. I want people to be able to write to

So I place the script (in french I presume) on my server.
I immitate the SWF so that it talks to the script on server, right?

Now do you also know the code to forward the mail that gets sent to the server to her yahoomail account? I don’t know how to do any of this, my apologies. But I need to do it so your help is much appreciatted. Baby step by baby step would be helpful…(goo goo) Talk down to me if you have to, just help me understand this frellin stuff. :slight_smile:


The script you pasted is ASP, not PHP, so the first thing you have to check is : does my server support PHP or ASP ? Then, depending on which one it supports, upload the corresponding maileur file in your account. If it’s asp, though, you’ll have to change the loadvariablenum("maileur.php,??) in load…(“maileur.asp”, ???).
Then upload the maileur.html and the maileur.swf files IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS MAILEUR.PHP.
Now go to Explorer or Natscape, and type
It should work. We’ll see later about changing the adress.


This would be so much easier if you had ICQ. Do you ?? Or else I tell you what. You give me that adress you want to send mails to, and I do it for you.

I am confused. Heres what I have and what I need to understand.

I have four text fields. For the name, e-mail, subject, and text. I got the dynamic text field thing figured out, (see how young in Flash I am?) So people can write in stuff. But now I need to make it go somewhere ****it. :frowning: If you wanna take a look at what I am doing it might help you out in explaining it to me because when it comes to Flash I feel as though I didn’t get enough oxygen to my brain at birth. The site is at; Just put in the httpthang without the www thing and it will bring you there. (no ****ed html comments will kill us) Then next to the little x icon in upper left is a white icon, says contact when you mouseover. Hit it and you will see what I am working on and it should help you explain to me how to get through this great trial. That way at least you can speak to me in terms I will get because your looking at the same screen. The blue button on the left is the one I have that
have set up with this command; on (release) {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp loadVariablesNum (“maileur.php”, 0, “POST”);
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp gotoAndPlay (23);

The blue button on right is just a swift 3D test I tried to see if I could get it to work. It did. One on top is dead.
And I uploaded those files to the server as you told me to.
But I still feel like I am miles and miles away from making this thing work. What am I still lacking? And no mean comments from anyone out there please! :frowning:

Flashtasically challenged-

totally suck anymore at writing Flash. I just suck, but it’s way better than totally sucking at it, right? :wink: I figured out how to Bookmark in Explorer, thanks to Kirupa and you. I studied today and figured out how to do a dynamic preloader with all the math functions displayed. Kind of neat!Been a good long day. E-mail is coming soon. These breakthroughs make it all seem worth the hassle! Sometimes i think I am going to just give up–but then I figure out something so cool! I am so thankful I found this site and for everyones help, except for Ollie, he didn’t help at all! (kiddin Ollie) :frowning:

wanna see my neat little trick I learned;
no www. just the httpforward slash thang.

stick to ASP… :wink: lol…

pj…does your server not allow ASP [Active Server Pages]???


I just finished a tute on actionscripts. I know how to do that e-mail thang now. But it doesn’t work. I called earlier to see if they supported php or asp. He didn’t know, the tech on duty. Told me to call the webmaster m-f and ask him. I guess I got my answer cause I know I didnt do anything wrong. I just dont get the mail. So does that mean it supports asp and not php? And how many changes do I have to make with the scripts to change it to asp? Although I did send myself an e-mail way earlier today from Dreamweaver and it just frellin showed up like 14 hours later in Yahoo. But I did the link thing from Dreamweaver, so it didn’t need the server at all. So maybe it is werking. Or the God of Null is devouring them as quickly as I am sending them. What about the asp thing and how many changes would I have to make?


if your server is microosft OS based the it is a big ‘yes’

and no there isn’t a lot of editing to be done… :wink: only if you start to do more advanced stuff…

here is the ASP script with notes on what needs modifing [cut ‘n’ paste this into notepad or dreamweaver]:

after u have modified the email address ‘n’ subject title save the file as zeromail.asp [ or flashmail.asp - u get what i mean ]

then upload it your ‘cgi-bin’ on your server…

now make the form in flash… make three input text boxes, 2 small for the ‘name’ and ‘email’ of the sender and a large input textbox for the subject/content…

name the 2 small t.boxes “Name” and “Email” and the large “Subject”

make a button and asign the following actions to it:

on (release) {
loadVariablesNum (“”, 0, “POST”);

this sends the form info to the email address that u specified in the .asp file via the .asp file…

i am currently writing a tut on this…so if this doesn’t make sence…u will have to wait 4 that…sorry…but reply back if need help…


Just called and asked. Does that help in tryingto figure out the problem? I also don’t have a CGI bin.



who r u hosted with…and i will look into it… :wink:

if they r a free hosting comp. i can set it up and test it…it saves on all this posting…:slight_smile:


p.s. do you know if can set permissions of folders via CHMOD…???

Sorry, I was sleeping. So how’s it working ??? I’ve seen your site. Nice. Did you find out if it was working on ASP or PHP ? If it’s PHP, I can help you. Otherwise, I can’t. Simple as that.


Ilyas, Ben,
I am not sure, I am going to hop off line and check right now. But to Ben, it is Mc.netin Chicagoland. Phone number to tech support is; 847.594.5111. And Ilyas, I will find out right now whether its asp or php. But to have learned some of these cool things really helped boost my Flash spirit. I was getting a little down at how hard it seems. But once you learn somethingyou thought was impossible for you, well, you all know the story, Im sure. Thanks for all your support!
