Thanks to the help from Lavaboy you can text me any time you want on my cell phone painlessly and effortlessly.
Thanks to the help from Lavaboy you can text me any time you want on my cell phone painlessly and effortlessly.
DO IT!!!
hm… how’d you do this? well is it real?
me and lava did it… well mostly him… and yeah its real
do it do it do it
Did it work?
yup kel it did
and i got one saying i was a loser
Are you going to make the tut available to the public?
I would like to see it.
yeah i actually recieve this… whoever said that
see my cell phone sucks… so it doesnt tell me who sent stuff
awww jubba thinks im a loser:beam:
haha, 28 is a dork
I didn’t actually make it… but all it is a PHP mailer with Flash… because the text messages just go to an email address
thanks alex
man i love this thing
its soooo cool
*Originally posted by xxviii *
yeah i actually recieve this… whoever said that
haha that was me :flower:
how did you make this, i would love to see a tut or a fla
php mailer? but how do you get it to send to an actuall cell phone:q:
Well I can mail my phone by sending it to
That could be it
ok well what your gonna wanna do is take a email mailer thing…
then your gonna wanna make sure your phone receives text messages. Then all you do is have the mailer email it to that email address.
example, if you have a verizon plan the address is your 10 digit phone number… there is also like a 110 word max or something like that for verizon users.
what kel said
yay me!!
oh… i see…
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