Phone ninjas ;)

i did this site tonight for 80 bux… its pretty silly… not bad but silly… some things arnt perfect but overall its pretty cool… sounds havent been added and music in temp till the ninjas gimme some stuff… id recomend this disc too… its very funny… and awefully gross

ahha for $80 bucks, I guess you’re really giving them what they paid for. =)

looks… inspired :wink:

it could not have been done in any other way :smiley:

mwahahha… u love the taco that flys


what do u think is horrible? the fact that its annoying and its orange? other then that its not that bad;)

d’you wanna tell him pinx? :wink:


Oh my god, I LOOOOVE that background song !!

Have a sound turn off option.

if u liek that song buy the disc its hilarious…the song is great and u can turn it off in the bottom left

  • It’s hard to tell that is the sound turn-off
  • And wen you try to restart the music it won’t work.
  • You keep on telling us to buy the CD, but there is no where to buy it.

and there’s nowhere to download sample tracks… though, I’m sure it’s claimed…

im waiting for the disc from the owner… ill have them on over the weekend prolly… i dunnno… ill post when they are available

I like the fact that its incredibly cheesy.

If the downloads (once you get them) are funny, it will be perfect.

i dunno… they sound pretty terrible :-
and it’s ‘prank’ call, not ‘crank’ call!

useless americans :wink:

ha ha we use both foo!

useless! :wink:

seriously i do hope ur kiddin… cause if not u take life way to serious:)