Photo gallery

Hello there…
I’m wondering if anybody can help me…

I’m having problem getting my photo gallery to work. You know the one that’s listed on the tutorial,with the fade in and fade out thing?

Well, it works just find when I preview the file (ctrl-enter), but when i open the html or when I open that file through a link from another page, it would only load the first pict in the array. I have no idea where I did wrong…

well, i’d be just awesome if somebody can help me figure this out…
thanks heaps

can you post more details? maybe the source file?

This is the page where the link is, if u click on the top left section under “Poko” it should bring up the “Poko.html”

the poko file…
sorry, I dun know how to attach more than one files at a time…

yeah, when i previewd the poko.fla (ctrl-etr), the photo gallery works fine…
i made a link from the artwork.fla to poko.fla, but when I open up poko.fla through this link, it would only load the first picture in the array.

I didn’t upload the jpg.files coz i’m not sure if they’re needed…

anyway, thanks…

It works, when you click the “new” page, so I think it has to do with setFocus.
Claudio has the answer in this thread
