How about this, you can go out with your camera and take pictures. Then you post the best picture that you take (whether it be digital or you scan it in). No editing allowed. Purely a photography battle.
Would anyone be interested?
How about this, you can go out with your camera and take pictures. Then you post the best picture that you take (whether it be digital or you scan it in). No editing allowed. Purely a photography battle.
Would anyone be interested?
a photography battle would be awsome. Im interested, although a theme wouldn’t be bad either.
hey sign me up for it and choose a theme which peple from anywhere can do
Yeah, A theme would be good, but it would be hard to do, becaus people live in different places. You couldn’t have an ocean theme, or a summer theme, because there may be no oceans around or it may be winter in some part of the world.
A theme would be cool though if we could come up with one that everyone who wants to will be able to participate in (start brainstorming hehe)
EDIT: and also, I was just thinking that maybe the “no editing” shouldn’t be so strict. How about only color correction and cropping or something like that. But no image editing like taking things out or putting things in or making it freaky deaky or using other pictures etc.
Great! I’m in!
Theme: Night Life
Other rules: What yeldarb said. Cropping and “Levels” allowed only. Levels being in the Image-Levels in PhotoShop.
Due: One week from today. 6/05/04
sound good everyone? If so get those Cameras asnappin!
Night life is going to be really hard to do :\ You need a tripod. How about something a bit easier like nature.
And also, a bit longer. Should probably give people the extra weekend, so how about the 8th (A week from Monday).
And, what about adjusting brightness/contrast, should that be allowed?
cropping is fine, i guess color editing can be okay like brightness or contrast. here are a couple possible themes:
anything that has to do with people (expressions, portraits, activities)
a study on contrast
" " color
these are just a few off the top of my head, im sure there are a lot more better ones.
I’ll brainstorm some possibilities as well:
new perspective (looking at something in a different way that it normally would be looked at)
letters/numbers (pick a number and photograph where you see it)
I’ll try to think of some more.
I’m in as well. =)
Sweet, the more the merrier
there can be so many different themes with this. I say pick one, and let’s go. We can always do more later.
Yeldarb, reflections could be a very interesting theme, i like it.
Reflections sound good to everyone?
And everyone ok with the rules?
If it’s not too late, may I join too?..I’m okay with any theme, and any rules
Yep, I think we should leave this battle open. Let anyone join up until we post our entries
yes, let’s do it. Open an OFFICIAL thread, we can chat here, but that one will be for the entries and rules.
Ok, I’m pretty sure some of the Europeans who are sleeping atm will want to join too, this should be a great battle. Good luck all It should be fun.
What about multiple submissions? Is that allowed? I think it should be limited to one. You can take as many as you want, but are only allowed to enter one. How does that sound? Or should you be able to enter as many as you want? Or up to 3 or another set number? (its up to you guys)
I like the idea of having to pick your “best” 1 to submit…jusy my thought
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