PhotoPainter transparency export, Flash masking dillema

I just exported a transparent gif file from Corel PhotoPainter, imported the image to flash and applied it as a mask.

The problem: the image won’t mask using its shape, instead the mask just uses a square in roughly the same size as the image.

I’m stuck, I need help.

Did not understand your story that good but:

If you have Flash 8 you can us the bitmapData class to make alphamasks.
In older flash versions you will always see those boxxes…

What you could do is make a mask thats as big as your gif.
Then in a layer on top of that you place jour gif. :wink:

I guess I might have been a little stingy with my words.

What I meant by transparent gif was that the the background is the part which is trasparent.
I was planning on using the gif’s outline in my flash animation but Flash keeps turning it into a square.

try exporting to an PNG :wink:

That was a good idea, I should have thought of that.

Unfortunately it didn’t work. It turns out PhotoPainter can only export images with transparent background on a gif file.
I’m starting to think PhotoPainter and Flash weren’t built for each other.

why do you think all the cool people use good programs like photoshop or fireworks

It turns out that flash can only mask using the dimensions of the object meaning a raster file (whose dimensions are basically that of the stage used and a stage is always a square or rectangle) will not mask using the outline of the drawing even if the background is set to transparent.

I figured this out when I used other programs to export my files and thought you guys might wanna know.

In any case I think I must make a vector illustration of the shape I want to use as a mask… which is pretty tough.

or you could just do the entire image mask and all in whatever program you use and export that as a regular jpg and use that in your flash, no masks required…

I’ve also encountered this problem. What I do is: take you mask image and put a solid color overlay on it, then export as PNG, and import that into flash. The apply a Trace Bitmap with settings 10, 1, pixels, many corners, and use that as a mask.

but he cant export pngs with the program he uses

I wanted to animate the image to be masked on so… :sigh:

Oh, well it should work with GIF or any format that uses transparencies.

BlueNar it bloody worked!:beam:!!! Thanks mates!!!:party:

It turned out Bitmap Tracing works on gif as well!

No prob :slight_smile: The trace is quite useful but I only use it for solid color shapes. Anything else kills my computer when I run it.