Hey guys, I id a search on this section of the forum for books, but can’t seem to find any. Here’s what I’m looking for.
A book showing cool design techniques and modern ways of things going on websites and such in Photoshop 7.
A beginner’s book that shows how to use 3dsMax 5. I don’t want a dead beginner book, but somewhere from beginner to intermediate is good, so that I can learn the basics but still learn good techniques and stuff.
photoshop----> Down and Dirty Tricks and also Photoshops Most Wanted (friends of Ed) I recommend those.
3DS man 5----> I am still using 4.2 and I have a book called 3ds max fundamentals which is good. I really dont dig those bible books they are a good reference but not for learning. The tuts that ship with 3ds max are great for the basics.
PS7: Down and Dirty Triks. I learned everything from that book! Also PS7 Killer Tips or somthing like that, by the same author, Scott Kelby. He is really good, and the Editor in Cheif of Photoshop User Magazine…so he knows his stuff…