Graphics question (books)

Can anyone tell me the name of a good book to learn the features of photoshop and/or fireworksMX.

I have a reasonable knowledge of photoshop but want to learn how to make the sorts of nice clean, sharp images i see on other sites with low file size.

So basically a good book on learning some nice design and artisitic techniques in photoshop or fireworks.

any ideas??

For PS, there are a series of books called "Down and Dirty Tricks"
I recommend that series…

There is also a book out there titled: Integrating Flash, Fireworks, and Freehand…

These have helped me in the past.
Also, the whole ‘Insight’ series for PhotoShop are great…
I hope this helps


cheers man ill check it/them out

yeah “Down and Dirty Tricks” best book, i got it when i was learning PS and my cousin now got it too. it has all the most common effects, and it all turns out great! its not a serise though its one book.

fireworks is another storey, check the sticky up top, i offered a few links that i found. also there is the big manual that came with FW, i know for FW it has some tutes. also the help files have some good stuff.

Negative md… It’s a series…
There was a book published for versions 6 and 7 for sure. (looking at my bookshelves) :beam:

No matter which version of PS you have, I suggest grabbing them all…The content is all useful…
The older ones you can find on sale…


oo, i forgot about 6. yeah if you look at it that way, i was thinking oyu ment all for 7. simple communication problem.

another good thing to do is go to your local bookstore and go to the tech dept. and look around. pick a few up, read them, and see if oyu liek them. we can sit here and recomend books, but you have to want to learn out of them, so think of it htat way too.

cheers i will be getting the said photoshop book/s as soon my credit card alllows :slight_smile:

I just needed a point in the right direction as there where thousands to choose from :thumb:


ditto md…

ppl learn in different ways. ya gotta very good point!

I like that visual stuff haha

another thing ya might want to check out is this dude’s forum.

he’s like some PS guru…


Get a book on the Basics of Design, one that covers Design theory , principles and application. Once you finish it, buy a photoshop book and an illustrator book.