***Photoshop*** Cell Phone Battle

I just had an idea for a Photoshop Battle! How about a cell phone in Photoshop?

I’m sure one of the rules must be: Photoshop ONLY, no other programs. And this is only an image, not a flash site :stuck_out_tongue:

Some rules perhaps:

  1. Photoshop Only
  2. Must have a brand name (fake) somewhere
  3. Must have Antenna
  4. Must include basics, (e.g. number pad, up and down arrows, ok and end buttons, speaker, mic, etc…)

Any other rules? (Only if people wanna do this…)

A photoshop battle sounds great, but im not that good at 3D photoshop stuff, but there’s tutorials out there.:slight_smile:

who said it had to look COMPLETELY 3d?

i mean a nice rounded antenna and popout buttons would be ok, right? :beard:

well, i just assumed that it would have to look realistic, and therefore it would have to have a little demension in there. I dunno, a cell phone cover battle would be kindof cool, but i think a whole cell phone would be challenging. sounds cool.

challenging is cool. :slight_smile:

the only thing though is last time we did a photoshop battle here is was a lot of fun, but not too many people entered, and i dont think it got too much attention. i dunno, but if we do a battle, count me in. im always looking for easy inspiration, or just something to do…

besides work on my site, which takes a lot of dedication on my part, which i don’t have right now.:frowning:

hey i have nokia 8310 :frowning: no antenna :stuck_out_tongue:

ok how about just a cell phone cover then?

JUST A CELL PHONE COVER. (how come no one is replying?)

bah my sig pic sucks it was a 30 second job… i need a new one
mebbe an eyeball

cellfone cover?
m8 8310 is meant to kept in hand or pocket, no covers.I never used it :-S

I’m up for a cell phone battle… I love makin realistic stuffs

sorry i haven’t replied, but it sounds cool to me. im in.

Ok so we gotta decide. (Flasherjaz, just make it up)

Cell Phone or Cell Phone Cover?

All, right, let’s make this official :slight_smile: How much time do you need?

Why doesn’t someone make the basic shell of a phone cover, then the battle is decorate that cover how you wish?

  • Soul :s:

that soudns cool, anyone volunteer for making the shell? :stuck_out_tongue:

if someone could do it in 3D, it would make it more challenging to edit. but i dont know 3D:x

neither do i… mabye just a graphic shell

Wow nobody really wants to do this do they? :slight_smile: thats cool, more time for me.