Photoshop experiment

I have been trying to learn the finer arts of photoshop, as i still dont feel i can create graphics of a useable standard.

Here is an attempt all done in photoshop from a blank file , im reasonably pleased with it, what do other people think ??

Im not actually using this graphic, im more interested if people feel it “could” be used quality wise.

EDIT: doh forgot to ask about 3d modelling programs…i need to find an easyish to use 3d program for constructing abstract shapes for use in photoshop graphics manipulation…anyone know a good easy to learn program ? as making these types of shapes in photoshop is limited and hard work.

I have blender 3d (free one) but it has a completely alien interface which i do not like.
I know 3d studio max, is good, but there is also maya and lightwave and probably many others and i do not understand them enough to rate how good they are.