Photoshop gradiant issue

I am having a problem making a layer gradiate into transparancy. I have done this hundreds of times and don’t know why I can’t do it now. I want to make a portion of a layer gradiate into transparancy to reveal the color of the layer beneath it. I have applied a layer mask to the layer then draging the gradiant tool across the image. It doesn’t work. I am using photoshop 7.0 Any suggestions.

I think, once you have your “gradient” tool selected, you should get your properties toolbar (specific to that tool) and there should be a drop down that you can select color to transparent, or color to color, etc.

hope that helps!

yeah make sure that its not set to white…

Make sure you select the mask box in that layer. I remember one day I did htta and could not figure out why my mask was not working. In the layer you will see 2 boxes separated by a chain link thingy. Select the one on the right that is your mask layer. If you select the one on the left you will apply a gradient to your image. Also make sure the gradient is blacj and white.

3d where have you been?

listen to him, he ALWAYS has an answer lol. you rock man! hmm now off to a godd hour of live! if you feel like getting on later on tonight 3d let me know.

i am [email protected] on MSN. but you are on my Live list so if you come on i will invite you.


thanks guys, works fine now. I also didn’t have the foreground color black earlier and that made a difference. In the older version of photoshop you could do a gradiant in the mask and then do another one and it would replace the first one you did. In this version it ad’s an additional gradiant and does not replace the old one. I like the older version better but I am just glad to get it working.
