trying to mimic creig mullins style
keep going edwin =)
wanna see more
hey edwin do you actually draw in photoshop or do pencl on paper then scan or trace it into photoshop…Either way it is fantastic I enjoy your pieces. I am just curious because I am a good pencil artist but I have probs using the wacom.
wow that is nice Edwin, another wacom piece?
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**hey edwin do you actually draw in photoshop or do pencl on paper then scan or trace it into photoshop…Either way it is fantastic I enjoy your pieces. I am just curious because I am a good pencil artist but I have probs using the wacom. **
Edwin uses a Wacom. I have seen him draw things from scratch with his Wacom and he is incredible.
Another nice piece by Edwin
WOW! :crazy: now i remeber why i missed you so much!
3D- I belive that if Edwin does not do it on wacom it will not be traced. that is how everyting i have seen has been. if it is coloured then it is wacom.
off topic. 3d i am getting GR tonight!!!
vts31… wow…
You’re the best edwin!!!
that is awesome!
Another one of
Edwin’s masterpieces!
:geek: I love you!:love: (bcuz of the pics :))
I’ll be on IM tonite…if you get it lets get it on!!!
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**hey edwin do you actually draw in photoshop or do pencl on paper then scan or trace it into photoshop…Either way it is fantastic I enjoy your pieces. I am just curious because I am a good pencil artist but I have probs using the wacom. **
i remember edwin saying if you draw really fast it comes out better…
hey guys. Yep i draw all on my PC with a wacom i have a link to a video of me drawing with my wacom.
here is an image i drew with my wacom in Painter 7. quick sketch
off topic: what is your AIM name 3d?
that’s awesome edwin. both are. the first I like more than the second, though.
mdipi im not on aol i’ll pm you my msn
Two words “God ■■■■ Cool”
wait thats three words
edwin the avi is not there.
HoT ■■■■!
You’re a god!
The god of art!
yeah the avi is not working!